Isoprime's beginnings date back to the early 1970's. The product line constantly developed through the 80's and 90's as it changed from VG Isotopes and finally formed as the stable isotope specialist Isoprime Ltd. Throughout their 35 years there has been consistent research & development which produced a series of famous products such as the VG Sira, Prism and Optima IRMS. From this lineage, the IsoPrime100 IRMS represents the world's most advanced IRMS mass spectrometer/inlet product combination. Today hundreds of IsoPrime IRMS systems are installed worldwide.
On 4th February 2008 Isoprime Ltd was acquired by Elementar Analysensysteme GmbH as a wholly owned daughter company from GV Instruments. Elementar is the leading manufacturer of elemental analysers in the world whose success is based on more than 100 years of experience and tradition in elemental analysis. Two months later the company moved into Isoprime House, its new headquarters near Manchester airport from where we continue to develop, manufacture, sell and support the products.