For more than 15 years now, Omicron has been developing, building and producing its systems inhouse. Our highly qualified team works intensively to develop individual solutions for our customers. Product quality is ensured with the aid of modern measurement technology. Development and production meet both European and American standards.
Omicron wants to always be a step ahead in product development. On an average, 2 new developments a year leave our production line...
Omicron is also a leader in the rapidly de-veloping optics market. We have developed our own solutions marked by the highest possible efficiency, a fact which has enabled us to stand out from among our competitors in one of the key technologies of the 21st century.
Thanks to the use of programmable logic components and micro-controllers, our products are highly flexible. The electronics are developed in modular fashion, making it possible to meet customer demands effectively.
Supporting the customer as well as offering assistance in the development and realization of an environment for systems integration is a must for Omicron...