Antec Leyden has repeatedly demonstrated the supremacy of the ‘workstation’ concept in LC-EC. The DECADE II is based on this proven concept, guaranteeing highly reproducible retention times and peak heights, as well as non-drifting baselines to deliver LC-EC data meeting highest quality standards. The DECADE II platform introduces a new standard in EC detector electronics, performance and design.
* Data processing occurs by 24 bits A/D and 20 bits D/A converters. * The soft- and firmware can be updated via Flash technology. * In the firmware and via RS232 extensive timed event tables can be entered to customise the most extreme chromatographic conditions. * A second detector controller board can be added enabling serial or parallel LC-EC analyses * An optional, DECADE II-controlled electrical injector can be mounted externally for unattended continuous flow analyses. * A noise suppressor, called ADF has been developed breaking new grounds in detection limits. * IQ, PQ and OQ available.
The DECADE II is available with a glassy carbon, platinum, gold, silver and copper electrode flow cell. In combination with a 25 micrometer spacer detection volumes down to 11 nl can be obtained. Detection sensitivity of 100 picomol/lL of catecholamines is guaranteed, and often considerably improved by customers. DECADE II dual cell control is now available. The detector can be extended with a second flow cell allowing serial, but also independent parallel operation.