Instrument Database:
New Wave Research, Inc. - UP266 UV YAG Laser Ablation System

Year of introduction |
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historical ( out of sale ) |
Company |
New Wave Research, Inc.
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Sample introduction: Laser ablation |
The industry standard in 266nm UV laser ablation systems now with Universal Platform (UP) design versatility UP-266 is a general purpose, expandable, laser ablation system incorporating our innovative resonator-flat beam, available only from New Wave Research for improved depth profiling and a more controlled ablation process. The standard UP-266 delivers high energy densities to the sample - sufficient to ablate the most challenging materials. A wide range of spot sizes allows it to be used for both micro-feature and bulk analysis of semiconductor, geological, biological, and environmental specimens. UP-266 is a robust, user-friendly instrument that can be operated by inexperienced technicians. The laser ablation software controls all laser parameters, sample viewing, stage positioning and gas routing functions, including triggering of the mass spectrometer, for a fully automated ablation process. The Universal Platform Series is the latest innovation in laser ablation systems. It incorporates the most recent advances in laser ablation technology. It offers a totally flexible design that can be upgraded with the latest UP features, wavelengths and software as they are released. In addition, it is designed for high reliability and easy maintenance. Advantages - High-energy densities ablate difficult materials, including calcite and quartz
- "Resonator-flat" beam and specialized beam delivery system yield uniform craters with energy densities that remain constant when changing spot size
- Accepts large format and specialized sample chambers, including liquid- nitrogen cooled chambers
- Precision depth profiling and spot sizes from 10µm
- Finer particles improves transport efficiency and minimizes deposits
- Automated laser ablation process using the acclaimed New Wave Research laser ablation software, including sample mosaic navigation function. Operates from Windows95, 98, NT, 2000
- Optional high-output laser produces high energy densities over large areas, ideal for bulk analysis using ICP-AES as well as ICP-MS
- 213nm upgrade available
Applications For ICP, ICP-MS noble gas or stable isotope mass spectrometry. The UP266 excels in: - Analysis of geological materials, including volcanic glasses, silicate and calcite
- Direct analysis of pressed powders
- Bulk analysis on metals, alloys, polymers and ceramics
- Direct micro-analysis on mineral grains and inclusions
System Configuration - 4th harmonic, Nd:YAG laser with sufficient energy density to ablate both opaque and transparent materials
- A high-magnification video system with computer-controlled zoom and optional microscope head
- Precision stages with sub-micron resolution configured to accept large format and specialty sample chambers
- Quick change sample cell holder (52mm ID X 52mm deep), designed to accept standard 1" diameter slugs and thin sections, and large, irregular specimens
- Gas control valves automatically control the carrier gas through the sample cell to the mass spectrometer
- An integrated Class 1 system with total computer control of all functions.
- Interfaces with all major brands of ICP-MS and ICP instruments