Instrument Database:
Shimadzu Europe - LCMS-2010A

Year of introduction |
2002 |
Status |
historical ( out of sale ) |
Company |
Shimadzu Europe
Categories |
Hyphenated Techniques: LC-MS Mass spectrometer: ESI-MS Mass spectrometer: LC-MS |
The demands placed on analysis fueled by the need to analyze compounds such as non-volatile and thermally unstable compounds, and to perform trace analysis and ultra high-sensitivity analysis on complex matrices have created a need for a new, more powerful HPLC detector. The focus of efforts to develop such a detector has been to raise the selectivity of target compounds to enable acquisition of reliable and definitive qualitative data, while still relying on chromatography at the initial separation stage. Now, a successful response to these demands points directly to the use of a high-sensitivity liquid chromatograph mass spectrometer detector (LC/MS). With the goal of creating "an LC/MS that can be used like an LC detector". Shimadzu has developed an LC/MS system designed to support a wide range of analytical requirements. Evolution from the LCMS-2010 to the LCMS-2010A achieves enhanced stability, reliability, and sensitivity. The LCMS-2010A is applicable to an extensive range of applications in the pharmaceutical and environmental fields. Specifications Key features: • Fast scanning electronics support 6000 amu/second (6000 data points per second) acquisition rates for fast chromatography applications. Peak widths of several seconds may be detected using fast scan rates to maintain spectrum quality without affecting the accuracy and precision of detection.
• Unique Q-arrayTM (patent pending) ion guide. Q-array ion guide configuration is unique - three quadrupoles with different inscribed radii coupled with an octapole. The Q-arrayTM precisely focuses ion delivery into the mass analyser. The ion optic design for the LCMS-2010A is the most innovative design in ion focussing technology. Using the Q-arrayTM and octapole RF guides to precisely focus ions to the mass analyzer, we deliver new limits of detection for LC.
• The interface has been designed to maximize analyte detection without compromise (Angle Spray). Delivering exceptional performance routinely. It has also been designed with simplicity. To clean and maintain the source is quick‚ cleaning the ion entrance is achieved without venting the instrument.
Multi-sequence mode • Is a highly flexible tool that also supports mixed mode analysis switching between full scan acquisitions and selected ion monitoring. • Can obtain data in up to 64 different combinations of acquisition conditions in a single analysis. • Precisely generates fragmentation patterns for structural information and molecular weight confirmation in both positive and negative ion mode from a single injection • Optimizes the response to both quantification ions and confirmatory ions to minimize false positives and increase confidence in peak assignment. Simplicity - Easy Operation and Maintenance • One click approach automatically acquires, processes and produces reports from a single click of the mouse. Redefines LCMS as a technique for all scientists. • The software provides an analysis approach like that popular for liquid chromatographs. Just as with conventional LC, analysis with the LC/MS more often entails continuous, overnight analysis of numerous samples, with automatic quantitation and output of a summary reports completely automated. In addition, samples requiring further verification can be reanalyzed, and a report generated. This kind of comprehensive analysis sequence is easy to implement using the Sample Schedule Wizard. And, of course, the full complement of safety measures incorporated in the LCMS-2010A system ensures that all automated operations will be handled with absolute safety. • Startup and shutdown of the mass spectrometer are performed using a single button, totally. eliminating cumbersome operations. Further, an automatic restart function safely starts up the instrument following a power outage. • The new metal capillary probe eliminates the concern for adsorption of polar compounds, and vastly improves maintenance. Flexibility - Report output just like screen images Indispensable to data processing (Postrun) is the easy organization of chromatographic data, including the addition of mass spectral and UV spectral data. However, the ability to present these data in an easily understood report format is also vital. LCMSsolution uses page layout software functions to enable the creation of reports that identically depict the data images on the screen. Report formats are limited only by the chromatographers imagination.
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