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Literature ( Source ) Database

EVISA's literature database includes papers from more than 3000 journals, conference proceedings, books and other sources. This source database gives some details about these sources and also links to the publishers and the homepages of these sources (if available).

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Zhipu Xuebao = Journal of Chinese Mass Spectrometry Society

Zhiwu Shengtai Xuebao = Journal of Plant Ecology = Acta Phytoecologica Sinica

Zhiye Yixue = Occupational medicine

Zhongcaoyao : yuekan = Chinese traditional and herbal drugs

Zhongguo Dizhi Kexueyuan Kuangchan Dizhi Yanjiuso Suokan = Bulletin of the Institute of Mineral Deposits of the Chinese Academy of Geological Sciences

Zhongguo Dizhi Kexueyuan Yichang Dizhi Kuangchan Yanjiusuo Suokan = Bulletin of the Yichang Institute of Geology and Mineral Resources

Zhongguo Gonggong Weisheng Xuebao = Chinese journal of public health

Zhongguo Huanjing Jiance = Environmental Monitoring in China

Zhongguo Jiguang = Chinese Journal of Lasers

Zhongguo Niangzao = China brewing

Zhongguo Pige = China leather

Zhongguo Yaoxue Zazhi = Chinese pharmaceutical journal

Zhongguo Yiyao Gongye Zazhi = Chinese journal of pharmaceuticals

Zhongguo Yiyuan Yaoxue Zazhi = Chinese journal of hospital pharmacy

Zhongguo Zhongyao Zasshi (Zhongguo Zhong yao za zhi) = China Journal of Chinese materia medica

Zhongguo-huanjing-kexue: Zhongguo Huanjing Kexue Xuehui xuebao; shuangyuekan = China environmental science

Zhongguo-Kexue-Jishu-Daxue-xuebao : jikan = Journal of University of Science and Technology of China

Zhongguo-Nongye-Huaxuehui-zhi = Journal of the Chinese Agricultural Chemical Society

Zhongguo-tiaoweipin : yuekan = China condiment

Zhongguo-xitu-xuebao : jikan = Journal of the Chinese Rare Earth Society

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