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The establishment of EVISA is funded by the EU through the Fifth Framework Programme (G7RT- CT- 2002- 05112).

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Agriculture, ecosystems and environment

An International Journal for Scientific Research on the Interaction Between Agroecosystems and the Environment


AGRICOLA; BIOSIS; Biological and Agricultural Index; Current Contents/Agriculture, Biology & Environmental Sciences; EMBiology; Ecological Abstracts; Elsevier BIOBASE; Environmental Abstracts; Environmental Periodicals Bibliography; GEOBASE; Scopus; TROPAG/RURAL Database
Agriculture and environment

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Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment deals with the interface between agriculture and the environment. It seeks to provide a science forum to discuss how agricultural practices influence the broader environment and how changes outside agriculture affect agricultural systems. Emphasis is placed on innovative and original research that elucidates the link between agroecosystems (association of crops, pastures, livestock) and the environment (including energy, air, water, land). This two-way interface or link cuts both ways as it elucidates the influence of agriculture on the environment but also characterizes how changes in the latter impact agroecosystems.
The journal covers topics such as ecology of agricultural systems; response of agroecosystems to environmental stress (climate change, intensification, soil degradation, pollutants, waste materials, air quality, and changing land and water use); agricultural landscape ecology and processes; and characteristics of agroecosystems from a biological, physical, and environmental standpoint. Papers that advance our understanding on how to make agroecosystems more diverse and sustainable are especially welcome.
Preference is given to papers from experimental research and model applications at the field or system level that bridge scientific disciplines, integrate knowledge, and that are placed in an international or wide comparative context. All manuscripts are initially screened based on their topic suitability and linguistic quality. Papers that deal with inventory and survey analysis and impact assessment, model development, purely socio-economic aspects, agriculture environmental and land use policy and planning are discouraged unless they provide relatively unknown information on the agroecosystem environmental interface.

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