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The establishment of EVISA is funded by the EU through the Fifth Framework Programme (G7RT- CT- 2002- 05112).

Supporters of EVISA includes:

Chemical Engineering Progress

publication of the American Institute of Chemical Engineers (AIChE)



Source type
First volume
Last volume
Publish city
New York

Chemical Engineering Progress (CEP) is the flagship publication of the American  Institute of Chemical Engineers (AIChE), the world's leading organization for chemical  engineers. Over 32,000 professionals receive the magazine each month. According to CEP’s latest demographic statistics, nearly 85% of these influential readers work in industry, with the rest employed in academia and government. CEP's mandate is to provide essential technical and professional information to this key audience.

What Types of Articles Does CEP Seek?

CEP publishes articles on the key aspects of chemical engineering, such as:
  • Career Development
  • Environmental Management
  • Fuels and Energy
  • Fluids and/or Solids Handling
  • Information Technology
  • Management
  • Materials
  • Measurement and Control
  • Reactions and Separations
  • Safety
CEP's strives to publish impartial, generic articles that provide "how-to" guidance to the practicing chemical engineer, or an overview of some type of technology. CEP 

looks for articles that focus on the general chemical engineering problem or situation and the generic method of solving that problem, rather than on what was done in a particular instance to solve a specific problem. We do not publish case histories. However, an article can use information from actual installations to illustrate specific points, but it should not turn into a series of case histories.

Appropriate subjects for articles include: choosing among design or equipment options; troubleshooting a process unit; designing specific plant hardware; assessing the likely impact of emerging technology; reviewing key trends and challenges in engineering research  and development; evaluating continuing-education needs; and much, much more.

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