Literature / Source Database:
Hydrological Processes
an international journal
Title (short) |
Hydrol. Proc. |
Languages |
English |
First year |
1986 |
AGRICOLA Database (National Agricultural Library);
ASFA: Aquatic Sciences & Fisheries Abstracts (CSA/CIG); AURSI: African Urban & Regional Science Index (AURSI); Bibliography & Index of Geology/GeoRef (AGI); BIOBASE (Elsevier); CAB Abstracts® (CABI); Cambridge Scientific Abstracts (CSA/CIG); Chemical Abstracts Service/SciFinder (ACS); COMPENDEX (Elsevier); CSA Environmental Sciences & Pollution Management Database (CSA/CIG); Current Abstracts (EBSCO); Current Contents®/Agriculture, Biology & Environmental Sciences (Thomson ISI); EAUDOC Database (Office International de l'Eau); Environment Abstracts (LexisNexis); Environmental Issues & Policy Index (EBSCO); FLUIDEX/Fluid Abstracts (Elsevier); GeoArchive (Geosystems); GEOBASE/Geographical & Geological Abstracts (Elsevier); Geotitles (Geosystems); Groundwater & Soil Contamination Database (AGI); Hydrotitles (Geosystems); INSPEC (IET); International Civil Engineering Abstracts (Emerald); Journal Citation Reports/Science Edition (Thomson ISI); Meteorological & Geoastrophysical Abstracts (CSA/CIG); MOFR: Marine, Oceanographic & Freshwater Resources (NISC); PASCAL Database (INIST/CNRS); Science Citation Index Expanded™ (Thomson ISI); Science Citation Index® (Thomson ISI); SCOPUS (Elsevier);
Soil & Fertilizer Abstracts (CABI); WATERLIT (NISC); Web of Science® (Thomson ISI)
Source type
0885-6087; 0885-6087
1099-1085; 1099-1085
First volume
Last volume
Resources |
Availability |
Text PDF |
free access |
Text Html |
for subscriber |
References |
not available |
Abstracts |
Hydrological Processes is an international journal devoted to the publication of original scientific and technical papers in hydrology. The objective of these communications is to improve our understanding of hydrological processes. The scope of the journal encompasses disciplines focussing on the physical, biogeochemical, mathematical and methodological aspects of hydrological processes together with research on instrumentation and techniques. The journal also publishes several issues annually, which relate to themes emergent from conferences, hydrological science societies and key research topics identified by editorial board members. Comments on previously published papers may be submitted to HP. The authors of the original work will be given the opportunity to submit a reply for simultaneous publication with the Comment. Comments and Replies will be subject to the normal journal review process. For publication of a Comment or a Reply, they must be judged by the referees to be scientifically significant. Comments should preferably be in the form of a short paper not exceeding the length of two printed journal pages. Publication will take place only when all parties have had an opportunity to respond appropriately