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Journal of African Earth Sciences

Formerly known as Journal of African Earth Sciences (and the Middle East)


Cambridge Scientific Abstracts; Chemical Abstracts; Current Contents/ASCA; Current Contents/SciSearch Database; Elsevier BIOBASE; GEOBASE; Geo Bib & Index; Scopus
Journal of African Earth Sciences (and the Middle East)

Source type
1464-343X; 0731-7247; 0899-5362
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The Journal of African Earth Sciences sees itself as the prime geological journal for all aspects of the geology of the African continent and the Middle East, and especially on the search for natural resources from these regions. This international interdisciplinary journal publishes high quality, peer-reviewed scientific papers on the geodynamics of the African and Arabian plates and their contained mobile belts, cratons and sedimentary basins; the crustal evolution, tectonics and structural geology of this region; economic geology of major mineral deposits and hydrocarbon resources; sedimentology, stratigraphy and palaeontology, petrology and mineralogy, geochemistry and isotope geology of Africa and the Middle East. Papers on applied geology should preferably be linked to such core geological disciplines and must be addressed to a more general geological readership. It is important to note that articles intended for submission to the Journal of African Earth Sciences must be of a wider African (or even international) context rather than purely local studies of limited scope, which should rather be addressed to national or local African-Middle Eastern journal forums. Journal of African Earth Sciences papers should appeal to a wide audience of geoscientists rather than being highly specialised technical papers.

The journal is closely affiliated with the Geological Society of Africa and publishes the GSA Newsletter. The Journal of African Earth Sciences recently launched the "Geological Society of Africa Presidential Review" series of invited review articles written by acknowledged international experts, bringing together the latest earth science information for academic, applied geological and mining institutions on particular topics of wide interest.

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