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The establishment of EVISA is funded by the EU through the Fifth Framework Programme (G7RT- CT- 2002- 05112).

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Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture

published on behalf of SCI


AGRICOLA Database (National Agricultural Library), Analytical Abstracts (RSC), ANTE: Abstracts in New Technologies & Engineering (CSA/CIG), ASFA: Aquatic Sciences & Fisheries Abstracts (CSA/CIG), BIOBASE (Elsevier), Biological & Agr

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Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture publishes peer-reviewed original research, reviews, mini-reviews, perspectives and spotlights in these areas, with particular emphasis on interdisciplinary studies at the agriculture/ food interface. This international journal covers fundamental and applied research, including:


  • Food - Health and Nutrition: Human and animal nutrition. Enhancing health with functional foods, nutraceuticals or food suplementation. Testing, including clinical tests, model animals and, in vitro testing systems.


  • Food Science and Technology: Development, production and processing of human and animal food beverages. Measurement of food and ingredient functionalities.


  • Biotechnology: Applications of biotechnology to plants, animals and microorganisms as they relate to agriculture, food production and processing, and fermentation science.


  • Molecular Biology: Applications of genetic modification and molecular biology to plants, animals and microorganisms as they relate to agriculture, food production and processing, and fermentation science.


  • Biochemistry: Chemistry and biochemistry of foods, feeds, ingredients and components. Properties of biological molecules. Processing/storage. Enzyme properties and applications. Analytical/diagnostic methodology. Biochemical pathways and mechanisms. Bioactivity.


  • Food Safety: Microbiological food safety, including on-farm safety management, epedemiology of food-borne illness, novel process and packaging, and detection of food-borne pathogens. Food toxicology and safety evaluation of genetically modified organisms. Application of risk assessment and risk management techniques.


  • Materials and Processing: Food raw materials and quality. Food structure and physical properties. Physical description of processing and product properties of raw materials.


  • Agriculture - Production: Plant and animal husbandry including precision agriculture and aquaculture. Impact of scientific and technological developments on yields and quality.


  • Agriculture - Utilization: Plants, plant products, animals, animal products, fish and marine products as human food or animal feed. Industrial applications for plants, plant products, animal products and marine products.


  • Agriculture - Environment: Environmental influences on and impacts of agriculture including forestry (effects of and on air, water and soil quality). Safety and sustainability of agricultural practices.


  • Sensory and Consumer Sciences: Perception and evaluation of characteristics of foods and beverages including flavour, appearance and texture. Consumer behaviour, including acceptability, preference and other factors related to cultural cues and product image

    Many studies are likely to overlap several subject areas. Manuscripts will be allocated to the editor whose primary interests are appropriate to the main subject of the paper.

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