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Proceedings of the annual conference / Southeastern Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies


Source type
First volume
Last volume
Publish city
Montgomery, Alaska

The Proceedings of the Southeastern Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies are a compilation of the complete text of papers and presentations made at each annual conference. Representatives from state and federal agencies, citizen's organizations, universities, and private wildlife research groups present their latest findings relative to resource management, both through scientific research and actual case histories. Fisheries and wildlife scientists present peer reviewed papers at their respective sessions, agency enforcement personnel exchange information on tactics and mutual problems and agency attorneys discuss the latest developments in wildlife law and other pertinent legal issues.

Proceedings from the annual conferences are being digitized and made available on the Internet through the SEAFWA web site, beginning with volume 59 (2005 SEAFWA Conference). Access is open to anyone, articles may be downloaded and printed, and there is no charge. Proceedings from the 2006 SEAFWA Conference and future conferences will be added as they are completed. Proceedings from past conferences will be added as time permits.

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