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The establishment of EVISA is funded by the EU through the Fifth Framework Programme (G7RT- CT- 2002- 05112).

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Soil Biology and Biochemistry

The number one journal in Agriculture, Soil Science.


AGRICOLA, Aqualine Abstracts, BIOSIS, Biological & Agricultural Index, Cambridge Scientific Abstracts, Current Contents/Agriculture, Biology & Environmental Sciences, Current Contents/SciSearch Database, Current Contents/Science Citation Index, EMBiology, Elsevier BIOBASE, Environmental Periodicals Bibliography, GEOBASE, PASCAL/CNRS,
Research Alert, Scopus

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Soil Biology and Biochemistry is a forum for research on soil organisms, their biochemical activities and their influence on the soil environment and plant growth. It publishes original work on quantitative, analytical and experimental aspects of such research. Soil biology and soil biochemistry cover many scientific disciplines but a single journal brings together the results and views of research workers working in a wide variety of research areas. The scope of this journal is wide and embraces accounts of original research on the biology, ecology and biochemical activities of all forms of life that exist in the soil environment. Some of the subjects which have proved to be prominent are the biological transformations of plant nutrients in soil, nitrogen fixation and denitrification, soil-borne phases of plant parasites, the ecological control of soil-borne pathogens, the influence of pesticides on soil organisms, the biochemistry of pesticide and pollution decomposition in soil, microbial aspects of soil pollution, the composition of soil populations, modelling of biological processes in soil systems, the biochemical activities of soil organisms, soil enzymes and the interactions of soil organisms with plants and the effects of tillage on soil organisms and soil biochemistry.

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