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The establishment of EVISA is funded by the EU through the Fifth Framework Programme (G7RT- CT- 2002- 05112).

Supporters of EVISA includes:


a SpringerOpen journal



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Inclusive scope. SpringerPlus accepts manuscripts from all disciplines of Science. We accept manuscripts describing original research as well as case descriptions and methods, and we expressly encourage submission of data reports and large datasets.

Open Access. Articles are published Open Access under a Creative Commons Attribution License. This means easy compliance with the Open Access Policy of the 80+ institutions and 40+ funders all over the world who made open access to publications mandatory.

Easy submission. SpringerPlus does not have a restriction on the number of words or figures. Authors are welcomed to submit audio, video, large tables or data files as supplementary data. We do not require extensive formatting; we will accept the manuscript in any appropriate formatting already present. All articles will be published online-only and open access.

Rigorous peer review. All submissions will be peer reviewed, and our reviewers are asked to focus their attention to data presented in the article. Note that we will not reject a manuscript because it is out of scope or for its perceived importance, novelty or ability to attract citations: we will publish any study that is scientifically sound.

Clear and fast editorial process. Review and decision will be fast and our editorial policy is clear: we will either accept your manuscript for publication or not, our editors will not ask for additional research. Authors are encouraged to submit any available review reports for the submitted manuscripts that resulted from a previous submission as these may help the SpringerPlus review process.

Broader scope, same high standards. Springer announces SpringerPlus, a new type of scientific journal. SpringerPlus provides you as an author with an alternative route to journal publication, accepting high quality research across all areas of scientific investigation. SpringerPlus’ simple submission method and fast processing enables you to publish your research efficiently whilst keeping additional effort to a minimum. And because SpringerPlus is part of the SpringerOpen portfolio, publishing with us fulfils open access mandates while retaining your copyrights. This enables distribution to the largest possible audience; maximizing visibility and citations for your work. With its broad scope, SpringerPlus publishes scientific research across all disciplines of science. The essential requirement for acceptance is simply high quality of research. All articles deemed scientifically and methodologically sound by peer review will be published in SpringerPlus.

All scientifically valid data is worth sharing. Often manuscripts are scientifically worthy but may not be accepted in existing journals for a variety of reasons. The topic may fall outside the scope of a given journal, or the research may not contribute to the desired Impact Factor. SpringerPlus is perfect for the publication of these research types, as well as interdisciplinary studies and emerging areas of research that may not fit into existing journals. Articles detailing statistically negative correlation frequently have difficulty finding publication, despite the fact that the analysis may have just as much scientific value as articles covering positive correlations. SpringerPlus provides an outlet to bring all of these results to the attention of your peers. In addition to traditional journal articles, there may be other types of investigative output suitable to publish.

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