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The establishment of EVISA is funded by the EU through the Fifth Framework Programme (G7RT- CT- 2002- 05112).

Supporters of EVISA includes:

Studies in Conservation


AATA online, ISI Arts and Humanities Citation Index, BHA, CC/Arts & Humanities, Francis Database International, Scopus

Source type
First volume
Last volume

Founded in 1952, Studies in Conservation is the premier international journal in its field. It has earned a reputation for being the most authoritative and widely referenced source, presenting original, peer-reviewed papers featuring the latest advances, techniques and practice in conservation and restoration from around the world. The scope of the journal is as broad as the field itself, covering the conservation of materials, artefacts, objects and works of art, to architecture and historic structures. Each paper includes a summary in English, French, German and Spanish.

  • Latest Research on and Scientific Aspects of Historic Materials and Methods of Fabrication
  • Techniques and their Application
  • Analysis and Assessment
  • Control of Deterioration, Treatment and Storage
  • Standards and Best Practice
  • Conference Reports, Book Reviews, Supplementary Papers and Other Items of Interest
Studies in Conservation is for all those with an interest in the field: conservators and restorers in institutional and private practice, conservation scientists, architects, educators and academics, as well as collection managers, curators, art historians and other cultural heritage professionals. Some 4000 readers around the world receive the journal - subscribers include libraries, universities, research laboratories, museums, galleries, institutions and private practices and consultancies.

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