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Surface Review and Letters


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Surface Review and Letters is an international journal devoted to the elucidation of properties and processes that occur at the boundaries of materials. The scope of the journal covers a broad range of topics in experimental and theoretical studies of surfaces and interfaces. The latter include solid-solid and liquid-solid interfaces. Both the physical and chemical properties are covered. The journal also places emphasis on emerging areas of cross-disciplinary research where new phenomena occur due to the presence of a surface or an interface. Representative areas include surface and interface structures; their electronic, magnetic and optical properties; dynamics and energetics; chemical reactions at surfaces; phase transitions, reconstruction, roughening and melting; defects, nucleation and growth; and new surface and interface characterization techniques. The journal publishes scientific papers in the following three categories:

(a) Letters: Letters are short communications announcing particularly significant discoveries where timely publication is a key factor. Each letter should contain a coherent and reasonably complete discussion of the discovery within the constraints of a short communication. A letter should not exceed eight printed pages.

(b) Research Articles: Research articles are comprehensive presentations of original research. The presentation should contain enough details so that a knowledgeable scientist in the field could follow the steps of derivation with reasonable ease.

(c) Review Articles: Review articles are selected for their critical assessment of important areas of interest. Either a single review or a group of reviews covering a spotlight area is featured. The authors and subject matter of the reviews are recommended by the Editorial Board.

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