Literature / Source Database:
Surface & coatings technology
An international journal devoted to the science and application of advanced surface treatments for improvement of material properties
Title (short) |
Surf. Coat. Technol. |
Languages |
English |
First year |
1986 |
Impact factor |
2.139 |
Editor |
A. Matthews, J. Patscheider, Y. Pauleau, I. Petrov |
Surface technology
Source type
First volume
Last volume
Resources |
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References |
not available |
Abstracts |
Surface and Coatings Technology is an international archival journal publishing scientific papers on surface and interface engineering to modify and improve the surface properties of materials for protection in demanding contact conditions or aggressive environments. This journal is the principal forum for the interchange of information on (i) the science, technology and applications of protective thin films, coatings and surface treatments, and (ii) methods to characterize structure, composition, and properties of modified surfaces. Contributions range from original scientific articles concerned with applied research or direct applications of coatings to invited reviews of current technology in specific areas. Original articles are solicited on topics included in the scope of the journal, which covers one or more of the following major areas: A. Physical and chemical vapour deposition techniques, thermal and plasma spraying, electroplating and surface modification by directed energy techniques such as ion, electron and laser beams. B. Characterization and evaluation of coatings and modified surfaces. Investigation of their tribological behaviour or interactions with the environment. C. Surface engineering to improve friction performance, wear resistance (e.g., abrasion, erosion, fretting, etc) and/or to provide protection against corrosion phenomena (e.g., in aqueous solutions or at high temperature). D. Coatings and thin films providing designed functions through their electrical, optical, thermal, mechanical, chemical and biochemical properties, particularly where these functional requirements are combined with a need to ensure protection (e.g., against wear and/or corrosion) in the operating environment. Experimental papers should provide complete information on the process parameters. Original papers are also solicited for the Current Industrial Practices section which is intended for engineering-oriented articles which may include, for example, development of coating deposition equipment, production systems, comparative in-service test results and cost/benefit analysis for specific applications.