GESTIS Analytical methods: Arsenic and compounds, except arsine (as As)
This database contains validated lists of methods from various EU member states described as suitable for the analysis of chemical agents at workplaces. The priority of substances covered here was defined in line with their relevance to workplace health.
The database represents the outcome of the European project BC/CEN/ENTR/000/2002-16 "Analytical methods for chemical agents". Article 3 (10) of the Chemical Agents directive 98/24/EC called for suitable analytical methods for hazardous substances in the workplace atmosphere.
Lists of analytical methods were compiled for 123 substances. The analytical methods have been indicatively rated considering the requirements of European standards. As a consequence, the methods in best agreement with these requirements were selected for detailed description. Finally method sheets for 229 methods were drawn up.
The project was greatly supported by the European Commission and the EFTA. Furthermore the German standardisation organisation DIN supported the project organisation as responsible secretary for CEN TC 137.
The present database was elaborated in co-operation with experts of ten European institutes:
- Allgemeine Unfallversicherungsanstalt (AUVA)
- ENI Corporate
- Eurofins Danmark A/S
- Health and Safety Laboratory (HSL)
- National Center for Public Health (NCPH)
- Institut für Gefahrstoff-Forschung der Bergbau-Berufsgenossenschaft an der Ruhr-Universität Bochum (IGF)
- Institut National de Recherche et de Sécurité (INRS)
- Instituto Nacional de Seguridad e Higiene en el Trabajo (INSHT)
- Institute for Applied Environmental Research, Air Pollution Laboratory (ITM)
Usage and Disclaimer The database may be made use of in occupational safety and health or in order to retrieve information about potential hazards of substances during use. Commercial use of data as well as partial or complete transfer of data into other information systems is prohibited unless to written prior consent by HVBG.
Data contained in the database have been produced and are maintained applying a maximum of care. Nevertheless, HVBG cannot for whatever reason be made liable for any damage.