National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants; Standards for Inorganic Arsenic
SUMMARY: Off June 5,1980, EPA listed !norganic arsenic as a hazardous air pollutant under section 1.12 of the Clean Air Act (48 FR 37886).Standards were qubsequently proposed for inorganic arsenic emissions from high-arsenic primary copper smelters, low-arsenic primary copper smelters, and glass manufacturing plants on July 20,1983 {48 FR 33112). Additional control measures for high-arsenic primary, copper smelters and associated amenic plants were proposed in a December 16, 1983, Federal Register notice {48 FR 55880) and additional control options for glass manufacturing.plants were proposed in a March 20,1984, Federal Resister notice (49 FR 10278). This Federal Register notice reaffirms the Administrator's. decision that inorganic arsenic is a hazardous air pollutant and responds to comments on and promulgates standards for inorganic arsenic emissions from primary Copper smelters, glass manufacturing plants, and arsenic plants.
Six other categories of sources emitting inorganic arsenic were also identified and discussed in the July 20, 1903. Federal Register notice: primary lead smelters, secondary lead smelters, primary zinc smelters, zinc oxide plants, cotton gins, and arsenic chemical manufacturing plants. This Federal Register notice responds to comments on the decision that standards for these sources were not warranted and reaffirms the Administrator's decision not to regulate these sources.