Portugal:Elemental Characterization and Speciation using Ion Beams (CEEFI) Group
The Elemental Characterization and Speciation using Ion Beams (CEEFI) Group was born in 2003 as a result of a reorganization of activities, in the Instituto Tecnológico e Nuclear (ITN) 2.5 MV Van de Graaff accelerator users. The CEEFI, carries out work related to the study, development and application of nuclear analytical techniques using ion beams for elemental characterization of samples. Emphasis is put on PIXE (Particle Induced X-ray Emission) and in samples relating to the atmospheric environment (aerosols and atmospheric biomonitors).
Concerning analytical techniques, the activities of the group embraces:
- Development of aerosol sampling methods;
- The use of ion beams for chemical speciation or study of the chemical environment of a well defined chemical element;
- Development of detection methods, aiming at the improvement of the information available for each sample.
Due to the fact that data handling should not depend exclusively on collaborations, work is carried out also in what concerns the research and development of data handling methods, both for spectra handling, multielemental aerosol and biomonitoring data handling.
Concerning PIXE services to the community, other type rather than environmental related samples are also studied or analyzed. Within the structure of the LFI (Ion Beam Laboratory), the CEEFI is responsible for maintaining the operationally of the PIXE line.