In the early 1960s, both tributyltin oxide (TBTO) and TBT fluoride were tested, mainly in Africa, as molluscicides against several freshwater snail species that are vectors of the disease schistosomiasis, the snails being the intermediate hosts of the trematode parasite. This use led to the introduction of TBT, during the mid 1960s, as an antifouling paint on boats. At the same time TBT compounds were being registered as wood preservatives (the first registration was in 1958).
Rationale for US EPA to add Tributyltin Fluoride to the Toxic Release Inventory
Aquatic acute toxicity values for tributyltin fluoride include a bleak fish 96-hour LC 50 of 2.3 ppb, an algae 72-hour EC50 of 9.3 ppb, and a Harpacticoid copepod 96-hour LC 50 of 0.8 ppb. EPA believes that there is sufficient evidence for listing tributyltin fluoride on EPCRA section 313 pursuant to EPCRA section 313(d)(2)(C) based on the available environmental toxicity data.