Frontpage Disclaimer and acknowledgement Key findings of the report Summary of the report 1 Introduction 1.1 Background and mandate 1.2 Submission of information for this report 1.3 Sources of information for this report 1.4 Scope and coverage in this report 1.5 Purpose of this report 2 Chemistry 2.1 Overview 2.2 Mercury species and transformation in the atmosphere 2.3 Mercury species and transformation in aquatic environments 2.4 Mercury species and transformation in soil 3 Toxicology 3.1 Overview 3.2 Methylmercury 3.3 Elemental and inorganic mercury 3.4 Interactions – possible confounding effects of certain nutrients 4 Current mercury exposures and risk evaluations for humans 4.1 Overview 4.2 Evaluations of exposure causing risks 4.3 Routes of mercury exposure – a general overview 4.4 Exposure through diets of fish and marine mammals 4.5 Submitted data on mercury concentrations in fish 5 Impacts of mercury on the environment 5.1 Overview 5.2 Eco-toxicological effect levels 5.3 Ecosystems at risk and vulnerable species 5.4 Mercury concentrations in environmental media 6 Sources and cycling of mercury to the global environment 6.1 Overview 6.2 Natural sources of mercury 6.3 Anthropogenic sources of mercury 6.4 Pathways of mercury to – and in – the environment 7 Current production and use of mercury 7.1 Overview 7.2 Global production 7.3 Current use patterns 7.4 Particulars on chlor-alkali production and gold extraction 8 Prevention and control technologies and practices 8.1 Overview 8.2 Substitution 8.3 Reducing mercury releases 8.4 Waste management practices 8.5 Mercury control costs and effectiveness 9 Initiatives for controlling releases and limiting use and exposure 9.1 Overview 9.2 National initiatives 9.3 International agreements and instruments 9.4 International organizations and programmes 9.5 Sub-regional and regional initiatives 10 Data and information gaps 10.1 National research and information needs 10.2 Data gaps of a general, global character 10.3 Development of Policy tools 11 Options for addressing any significant global adverse impacts 11.1 Overview 11.2 Conclusions with respect to significant global adverse impacts of mercury 11.3 Conclusions with respect to possible options for addressing any significant global adverse impacts of mercury 11.4 Additional aspects with respect to possible options for addressing any significant global adverse impacts of mercury 11.5 Proposals for immediate action to be considered by the UNEP Governing Council 12 Glossary, acronyms and abbreviations References Appendix - Overview of existing and future national actions, including legislation, relevant to mercury |