All about arsenic
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The EVISA Link database contains information about all aspects of arsenic speciation:
- arsenic species determination (analytical methods etc)
- toxicity and biological activity of different arsenic species
- distribution and fate of arsenic species in the environment
- mobility, bioavailability and bioaccumulation of arsenic species
- Research groups and their projects related to the chemical speciation of As
- Standards, rules and legislation related to arsenic
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Heavy metal emission estimatesIntroductionThe NAEI currently reports emissions of thirteen metals. These are: · Arsenic · Mercury· Beryllium ... Arsenical insecticides have been used in agriculture for centuries. The earliest available records indicate use of arsenic sulfides in China as early as A.D. 900, and incorporation of arsenic oxide in... This study aims to determine the dietary exposure to heavy metals of secondary school students in Hong Kong so as to assess whether there are any risks to their health. The potential... Exposure to the dust and fumes from arsenic and its compounds can affect your health. This leaflet does not deal with the inhalation of arsine gas which has a different effect on the body.... INERIS - Fiche de données toxicologiques et envi ronnementales des substances chimiquesARSENIC ET SES DÉRIVÉS INORGANIQUESDernière mise à jour : 16/02/2005RESPONSABLE DU PROGRAMMEA. PICHARD : annick.p...
Fiche INRS n°192, edition 1992 ... Arsenic et composés minérauxArséniate de calciumsynonyme(s) : Calcium arséniatenuméro CAS : 7778-44-1Arsenicnuméro CAS : 7440-38-2numéro EINECS : 231-... Trihydrure d'arsenicTrihydrure d'arsenicsynonyme(s) : Arsine - Hydrogène arsénié - Arsenic trihydrurenuméro CAS : 7784-42-1numéro EINECS : 232-066-3Té... Trioxyde de diarsenicTrioxyde de diarsenicsynonyme(s) : Anhydride arsénieux - Oxyde arsénieux - Oxyde d'arsenic (III) - Sesquioxyde d'arsenic - Diarsenic trioxydenuméro C...
This extensive review deals with microbial interactions with arsenic and lead. It also contains many useful references....
International Tissue and Tumor Repository for Chronic Arseniasis (ITTRCA)
and the Chronic Arsenic Effects Registry
The ITTRCA was established by the US Environmental Protection
Agency, US Na... Some video clips about arsenic mitigation and remediation Introduction to Arsenic Mitigation: U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Office of Water Arsenic Treatment Technology Showcase An introduction... International Programme on Chemical Safety (IPCS) is a collaborative venture of World Health Organization (WHO)United Nations Environmental Programe (UNEP)International Labour Organisation (ILO)Poison... International Programme on Chemical Safety (IPCS) is a collaborative venture of World Health Organization (WHO)United Nations Environmental Programe (UNEP)International Labour Organisation (ILO)Poison... Content TableAbstract1.Introduction2.What is Arsenic?3. Sources of Arsenic in Groundwater in Bangladesh4. Toxic Effects of Arsenic to Human Health5.Social Implications of Arsenicosis6. Mitigation... « ‹ 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 › »