The sea Lettuce (Ulva Lactuca) was collected in stagnant saline water in Lake Veere CNL) near Kwistenburg in August 1983 with a special cutting and grab machine mounted on ship board. The material was cut at a depth of max. 1 m below the water surface to minimise the amount of adhering or entrained sand particles in the final product. Possibly adhering particles were washed oft using water from the Lake. Drying took place in a drum with hot air Cabout 1 h). The loss of mass was about 93 %.
After a coarse grinding (to a particle size of 2-10 mm) in a stainless steel mill the material was packed in polythene lined containers and shipoed to the J.R.C. lspra (I) for further processing.
The material was then ground in a tungsten carbide mill. A fraction of the particles of 90-200 µm was sieved out. This fraction was chosen in order to eliminate oossible fine clay-like particles.
Mixing was done during two weeks under dry air keywords: environmental material , biological material , plant material, trace elements , heavy metals