The establishment of EVISA is funded by the EU through
the Fifth Framework Programme (G7RT- CT- 2002- 05112).
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Directory of scientists
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Hann, Stephan / Universität für Bodenkultur, Institute of Chemistry,
Hannigan, Robyn / Arkansas State University,
Hansen, Helle Rüsz / Eurofins Miljø, A/S
Harrington, Christopher F. /
Hassan, Nouri M. / SABIC, Saudi Basic Industries Corporation, Riyadh,
Havarinasab, Said / Dept. Molecular and Clinical medicine
Helfrich, Andreas / Johannes Gutenberg - University of Mainz,
Institute of
Heltai, György / Szent István University, Department of Chemistry and
Hernández-Córdoba, Manuel / Department of Analytical Chemistry, Faculty of
Heumann, Klaus Gustav / University of Mainz, Institute of Inorganic &
Hieftje, Gary / Department of Chemistry, Indiana University, 800 E.
Higueras, Pablo / Depto. Ingenieria Geologica y Minera
Hill, Steve / School of Environmental Sciences, University of Plymouth,
Hintelmann, Holger / Trent University, Chemistry Department, 1600 West Bank
Hirner, Alfred V. / Institut für Umweltanalytik, Universität Essen,
Hoffmann, Thorsten / Institute of Inorganic and Analytical Chemistry,
Horvat, Milena / Jožef Stefan Institute, Deptartment of Environmental
Howard, Alan G. / University of Southampton, Department of
Husted, Søren / The Royal Veterinary and Agricultural University, Plant