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The establishment of EVISA is funded by the EU through the Fifth Framework Programme (G7RT- CT- 2002- 05112).

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Maria Pesavento
Dipartimento di Chimica Generale
Universitŕ di Pavia
via Taramelli 12 -27100 Pavia (Italy)
Maria Pesavento
  • Trace element speciation in environmental waters, fresh and high salinity waters, by determining the concentration and stability constant of strong metal complexes. The method used is based on the metal separation by sorption on complexing resins, and determination of the sorbed metal concentration by different techniques, as atomic absorption and stripping voltammetry. The investigation is carried out by titration of the metal ion with the sorbing resin (Resin Titration) and titration of the ligands with the metal ion (Ligand Titration). The use of strongly sorbing resins makes it possible the investigation also of very strong complexes.
  • Development of methods for the investigation of metal complexes of different stability in environmental waters, using the same method as above, but different detection windows, i.e. complexing resins of different strength and  different sorbing conditions.
  • Trace metal speciation in beverages, and complex matrices of biological interest, using the method based on metal sorption on complexing resins.
  • Characterization of  the sorption of inorganic and organic species on natural solids (activated carbon, clay).
  • Development of new solid sorbing phases specific for a species. Equilibrium and kinetical characterization of the sorbing phases for the different species.
  • Development of electrochemical sensors specific for species.
  • Voltammetry/Polarography (ASV, CSV, AdSV)
  • HPLC with optical detection

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