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A special session on "Aquatic biogeochemistry as only skin deep: Trace element exchange, meta-stable speciation and reactions at interface" is being convened at the 2009 ASLO Aquatic Sciences Meeting, in Nice, France, Jan 25-30.

Date: 25.01.2009 - 30.01.2009
National/International: National
Language: English
Type: Conference
Location: Nice, France
Contact: Conveners: David Amouroux and Tom Church

Conference web site at:   http:⁄⁄www.aslo.org

The aquatic interfaces host biogeochemical processes central to aquatic life, beyond just the exchange of key carbon and nutrient species.  Abundant studies evidence the role of the lighter elements (C, N, P etc) central to basic life processes in the aquatic environment, including photosynthesis, respiration, and the production of radiatively important ("green house") gases. However, other trace element and nutrient species are just as vital in the catalytic role of enzymes central to the fixation and transfer of these lighter elements.  Included is the input of labile trace element nutrients across interfaces at aquatic ecosystems, resulting in meta-stable species or compounds, and subsequent reactions essential for the demands of key biotic reactions.  The processes occur over a wide range of time (seconds to months) and space (micron to kilometer) scales associated with trace element input, micro-niches (e.g, colloids), diurnal (e.g. light/dark) photochemistry, and seasonal biotic turnover. Such reactions in turn can lead to biogenic sources of trace element species labile or volatile for exchange across interfaces, ranging across particles, membranes or the atmosphere and sediment interface. In fact, many key processes occur right at or within the "skin" of the atmospheric or sediment surface micro-layers. While certain elements such as Fe have received separate attention, other trace nutrients (e.g. P, Zn, Co, Mo etc), calcogen (e.g. S, Se), metalloid (e.g. As, Sb) or "heavy" (e.g. Cd, Hg, Pb, Sn) elements have sources and species also important to the health or detriment of aquatic life.

This session is proposed to highlight both laboratory and field investigations, the use of modern instrumental and technical tools, as well as multi-disciplinary approaches. Examples include combined biochemical/geochemical studies, analytical resolution of redox and organic speciation, and use of radio/stable isotopic tracers. In conclusion, this session will provide an international forum for identifying and quantifying trace element inputs, transformation, and exchange processes at fundamental aquatic interfaces.
Conveners:  David Amouroux and Tom Church
Note:  The abstract submission deadline is 3 Oct 2008 (see www.aslo.org).  
We welcome your abstracts on any aspect of trace element biogeochemistry at aquatic interfaces.


October 3,2008Submission of abstracts

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