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Following on from the 3 rd International Conference held in June 2004 in Iowa , the next Plant Metabolomics Conference will be held in Reading , England in April, 2006

Date: 07.04.2006 - 10.04.2006
National/International: International
Language: English
Type: Conference
Location: Reading, Berkshire, UK
Contact: Conference Chairman

Prof. Mike Beale Director, National Centre of Plant and Microbial Metabolomics, Rothamsted Research, Harpenden, Herts, UK

Conference Secretary
Tracy Goodenough
E-Mail: Tracy.Goodenough@bbsrc.ac.uk
Conference web site at:   http:⁄⁄www.pmet06.org

The conference will feature two half and two full days of seminars and workshops on the field of metabolomics. Invited speakers will cover some of the most widely used techniques in metabolomics and the relation of the generated data back to the answering of biological questions. In addition, topics such as new methodologies, new applications with existing methodologies, applications to biological questions, bioinformatics and data basing will be covered during the course of the meeting.


December 16,2005Early registration at reduced fee
February 24,2006Submission of abstracts
February 24,2006Registration

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