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Sample treatment is, without any doubt, the backbone of chemical analysis. Always underestimated, many times neglected, sample treatment needs to be recalled from the limbo in which it has been thrown during the last decades. With this aim the Caparica Christmas Conference on sample treatment has been created.

The idea is to join all of us working with sample treatment in a 3 day conference, in a nice place (Caparica) during one of the most beautiful periods of the year: December.

As for the obvious question you already have in mind, but what is sample treatment? the following answer is proposed: any tool that helps to interrogate any measurable matter. Thus, ultrasonic energy or microwave energy can be used to extract analytes from solid substances; the use of such energy can be considered sample treatment. However, to interrogate the analytes we need analytical devices, such as atomic absorption spectrometry, RMN or mass spectrometry. The correct application of such devices or the development of new ones is also sample treatment. But there is more to tell. Many times a large number of samples need to be interrogated. Data compiled after extracting analytes and after analyzing them is nothing if we do not use chemometrics to understand all the information we have retrieved. This is also sample treatment.

Date: 04.12.2023 - 07.12.2023
National/International: International
Language: English
Type: Conference
Location: Caparica, Portugal
Contact: Carlos Lodeiro Espińo, PhD

Conference Chair

LAQV-REQUIMTE, FCT- University NOVA of Lisbon (Lisbon, Portugal)

Mobile Phone: +351 916 949 133

Office Chemistry Department: +351 21 29 48 300 (Ext. 11402)

E-Mail: jlcapelom.sampletreatment2023@bioscopegroup.org| cle@fct.unl.pt
Conference web site at:   https:⁄⁄www.sampletreatment2023.com


July 15,2023Submission of abstracts
July 15,2023On-line registration

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