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The establishment of EVISA is funded by the EU through the Fifth Framework Programme (G7RT- CT- 2002- 05112).

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This year's version of the meeting finds its roots in previous international meetings (Old Dominion University, Norfolk, USA, and University CaFoscari, Venice, Italy) numerous US based user meetings and the Omaha workshops. Over the years the format of the meeting continually has evolved and this year we will add a new workshop component. We are confident the format and content of this meeting will attract a diverse group of scientists to interact with. One of the main objectives of the meeting is to create a relaxed environment that will facilitate the transfer of knowledgeand expertise from senior to early career scientists.

Date: 08.09.2008 - 12.09.2008
National/International: International
Language: English
Type: Workshop
Location: New Brunswick, NJ
Contact: Chair: M. P. Field
Rutgers Inorganic Analytical Laboratory
Institute of Marine and Coastal Sciences
Rutgers the State University of New Jersey
New Brunswick, NJ USA
Conference web site at:   http:⁄⁄marine.rutgers.edu⁄LAICPMSintro⁄SF-ICP-MS.h

Following workshops will take place during the meeting:

  1. 10 years of HR-ICP-MS: a practical guide; Rob Franks, University of California Santa Cruz
  2. HR-ICP-MS theory and practical implications; Sam Houk, Iowa State
  3. MC-ICP-MS theory and practical implications; Fang-Zhen Teng, University of Arkansas
  4. Trouble shooting RF and ignition problems; Steve Barber, RFVII
  5. Biological sample preparation for liquid introduction systems; R. Steven Pappas, CDC
  6. Standardization analytical uncertainties and error propagation; Gunda Köllensperger, BOKU, Vienna
  7. Sample introduction; Dan Wiederin, ESI
  8. Maintaining blanks for ultra-trace analysis; Brad McKelvey, Seastar
  9. Laser ablation, Christopher Latkoczy; ETH Zurich
  10. Optimizing isotope ratios (single and multicollector); Kurt Kyser, Queens University,
  11. Chromatography/speciation; Stephan Hann, BOKU, Vienna
  12. Ultra-trace analysis. From sampling to reliable data; Carlo Barbante, University of Venice, Italy


August 1,2008Submission of abstracts
August 1,2008Early registration at reduced fee

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