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The most important conference of the nanotechnology industry in Germany – the NRW Nano-Conference – will take place from 7th to 8th December 2016. Guests from business, science and politics are welcome to participate an enriching and interdisciplinary dialogue about the opportunities, risks and potentials of

The NRW Nano-Conference offers two days of technical presentations about current trends in nanotechnology by top speakers from companies and research institutes. Furthermore, companies will present their latest technology developments and products at the accompanying exhibition. The organizers expect round about 700 international participants.

Date: 07.12.2016 - 08.12.2016
National/International: International
Language: English
Type: Conference
Location: Münster, Germany
Conference web site at:   http:⁄⁄nanokonferenz.de⁄de⁄

This year`s NRW Nano-Conference focuses on the main topics New Materials, Health, Energy, Business Model Nanotechnology, Safety & Society and last but not least, Electronics.

Among national and international top-class speakers, this year, again, the “Call for Presentations”, and for the first time the “Call for Posters”, will give interested persons who are enthusiastic about future technologies and new insights of nanotechnology, the chance to present their projects and ideas at the event.

1. Health

The demographic development also provides the health sector with new challenges. Innovative, nanotechnology-based approaches in regenerative medicine and in the diagnosis form the basis of future individual therapies. Nanotechnology in the field of pharmacy improved drug formulations and transport. Medical technology and medical products offer a wide range of  nanotechnology optimized procedures to maintain and promote health.

2. Electronics

Information and communication technologies are an important foundation of our society and for large parts of the industry. The continuing miniaturization of integrated circuits is still according to Moore’s Law, however, the physical limits are foreseeable. New concepts of nanoelectronics need a little bit “more Moore”, to open up unprecedented possibilities for entirely new system architectures as well as quantum information technology. In contrast, many products of organic electronics have already found their way into everyday life. Nanotechnology and its applications in electronics / optoelectronics will be the theme of this first session.

3. New Materials

New materials and optimized materials form the basis for two-thirds of all innovations. That ist why  new materials have an enormous imortance to future markets and technological advancement. Nanotechnology is an interdisciplinary technology which creates new impulses in the development of innovative materials and their applications, which are presented in the third session.

4. Safety & Societal Acceptance

Every new technology contains new challenges and environmental impacts. Risks and hazards must be analyzed and considered appropriate with socially relevant issues. The industrial use of nanomaterials requires an analysis of potential risks related to labor, consumer and environmental protection. For this reason, a number of projects in industry and universities are up to safe handling of nanotechnology. The results of these projects and ideas are presented in the fourth session.

5. Energy

Efficiency in the use of energy, energy conversion, transmission and storage are crucial to help renewable energy sources in the long term breakthrough. But also the conventional energy supply benefits from numerous research approaches of nanotechnology. This and much more about nano energy will be the focus of the fifth session.

6. Nanotechnology as a Business Model

Successful entrepreneurs talk about their company and what makes them and their developed nanotechnology products so successful – from the first idea about the business development and research collaborations to commercially successful products. In this session young researchers and young entrepreneurs, that have developed an outstanding nanotechnological product or process and want to commercialize it, get insights about strategies for successful corporate development, about marketing and potential uncertainties. This session also provides impetus for young entrepreneurs and founders with a view to successful financing and business strategies for self-employment.


June 30,2016Submission of abstracts

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