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The Biennial National Atomic Spectroscopy Symposium has gained an international reputation as the United Kingdom’s premier meeting in the field of atomic spectroscopy. Following on from the highly successful meeting held in Plymouth in 2004, we are pleased to visit a new venue to stage our ‘symposium for atomic spectroscopy’ in 2006, Glasgow Caledonian University.

Date: 10.07.2006 - 12.07.2006
National/International: National
Language: English
Type: Symposium
Location: Glasgow Calendian University, UK
Contact: RSC Conferences
Royal Society of Chemistry, Thomas Graham House, Science Park, Milton Road, Cambridge CB4 0WF, UK
Tel: +44 (0) 1223 432254 / 432380
Fax: +44 (0) 1223 423623

Conference web site at:   http:⁄⁄www.rsc.org⁄ConferencesAndEvents⁄MemberEven
Sponsor: Royal Society of Chemistry

The aims of BNASS are to promote and encourage developments in both fundamental and applied atomic spectroscopy by providing a friendly environment where delegates can meet, formally and informally, to exchange results, views and ideas.  Plenary lectures, given by world-renowned experts, provide overviews of important areas of atomic spectroscopy.  Invited and submitted lectures, as well as posters, cover the most recent developments in the field. 

Encouragement of younger workers is a feature of BNASS and in the past the meeting has enjoyed excellent presentations from graduate researchers and young scientists working in atomic spectroscopy.  Many of today’s senior figures gave their first public lectures at BNASS.  A wide variety of topic areas are represented including AA, AE, AF, ICP, MS, XRF, GD, new sources, sample preparation and sample introduction techniques, isotope analysis using multi-collector ICP-MS, speciation of elements in biological and environmental sciences, spectroscopic standards and reference materials, laser-assisted plasma spectrometry and chemometric data handling. 

The opening ceremony for the Symposium will take place at 13.00 hrs on Monday 10 July 2006.


March 10,2006Submission of papers
April 21,2006Acceptance note to authors
May 31,2006Early registration at reduced fee

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