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BNASS is the biennial meeting of the RSC Atomic Spectroscopy Group and provides an ideal forum to encourage the exchange of ideas and knowledge in analytical atomic spectroscopy. BNASS is over 30 years old and during that time, there have been some tremendous changes in atomic spectroscopy. These advances have been showcased at BNASS, which has built an international reputation for both the quality of the science presented and the unique style of the symposium, enabling delegates to meet and discuss issues in a social setting. The meeting includes a mix of established and younger speakers, and the organisers would especially like to encourage young researchers to present their results in short oral presentations within each of the topic sessions.

Date: 02.07.2018 - 04.07.2018
National/International: National
Language: English
Type: Symposium
Location: London, United Kingdom
Contact: Chris Harrington, Royal Surrey County Hospital, UK
Jackie Morton, HSL, UK
Sarah Hill, LGC, UK
Phil Riby, Liverpool John Moores University, UK
Conference web site at:   http:⁄⁄www.rsc.org⁄events⁄detail⁄26021⁄bnass-2018-

  • Recent spectroscopy advances
  • Fundamentals of collision cells including triple quadrupole MS
  • Measurement of nanoparticles (single particle analysis and field-flow fractionation)
  • Bio-imaging and laser ablation applications
  • Speciation and metallomics
  • Biological and clinical applications of trace element analysis
  • Environmental analysis
  • Food analysis


February 28,2018Submission of abstracts for oral presentations
February 28,2018Submission of abstracts for poster presentations
May 31,2018Early registration at reduced fee
June 20,2018Registration

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