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The establishment of EVISA is funded by the EU through the Fifth Framework Programme (G7RT- CT- 2002- 05112).

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The symposium will focus on scientific exchange and dissemination of findings related to the following key topics: Metalloproteins, Metals and regulation, Metal transport, Metals and disease, Metal toxicity, Metals in eukaryotes, Metals in biotechnology and Metals in the environment.

Date: 15.07.2018 - 19.07.2018
National/International: International
Language: English
Type: Conference
Location: Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Conference web site at:   https:⁄⁄www.fourwav.es⁄view⁄544⁄info⁄

Invited speakers:

Greg Anderson - "Mechanisms and regulation of iron intake in early infancy"
Head, Iron Metabolism Laboratory, QIMR Berghofer

Simon Andrews - "Bacterial iron export combats innate immunity"
Head of the Biomedical Sciences Section and Microbiology Research Group,
University of Reading

Judith Behnsen - "Probiotic Escherichia coli Nissle 1917 Uses Zinc Transporters and a Product of the Yersiniabactin Operon to Acquire Zinc in the Inflamed Gut"
Assistant Professor, University of Illinois at Chicago, College of Medicine

Rachel Codd - "Generating siderophores with new properties and new functions from precursor-directed biosynthesis"
Professor, The University of Sydney

Jean-François Couture - "Structural insights into a metalloregulator"
Canada Research Chair in Structural Biology and Epigenetics, University of Ottawa

David Eide - "Meeting the quota: the Zap1 transcription factor and the cellular economy of zinc"
Professor, University of Wisconsin - Madison

David Giedroc - "Molecular mechanisms of bacterial transition metal homeostasis"
Professor, Indiana University

David E. Heinrichs - "Iron acquisition in the S. aureus-infected phagocyte"
Professor, University of Western Ontario

John Helmann - "Zinc buffering, mobilization and chaperone-dependent trafficking in Bacillus subtili"
Professor and Chairman, Cornell University

Tricia Kiley - TBD
Professor and Chair, University of Wisconsin

Isabelle Michaud-Soret - "The tetrameric family of the FUR metalloregulators: from DNA-dependent tetramer dissociation to virulence"
Team Leader, CEA-Grenoble
Marvin J. Miller - "Exploiting Microbial Iron Transport for Development of Targeted Antibiotics: Synthetic Sideromycins"
Professor Emeritus, University of Notre Dame
Michael Murphy - "Heme extracted from hemoglobin by IsdB at the cell surface Staphylococcus aureus is shuttled to SbnI to regulate siderophore biosynthesis"
Professor, University of British Columbia

Shelley Payne - "Feo: New insights into an ancient iron transporter"
Associate Dean for Faculty Affairs, Professor, University of Texas at Austin

Tracey Rouault - TBD
Associate Scientific Director, Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development
National Institutes of Health

Manuela Santos - "Iron supplements modulate gut microbiota composition and probiotic efficiency in mice"
Professor, Université de Montréal

Frank Thévenod - "Channels, transporters and receptors for cadmium and cadmium complexes: Facts and alternative facts"
University Professsor and Institute Director, Universität Witten/Herdecke

Anthony White - "Glial cell copper regulation as a key target to control neuroinflammation"
Group Leader, QIMR Berghofer

Sebastian Winter - "Precision editing of the gut microbiota"
Assistant Professor, UT Southwestern Medical Center

Deborah Zamble - "The mechanisms of action of nickel-selective homeostasis factors from E. coli and H. pylori"
Professor, University of Toronto


May 8,2018Extended: Submission of abstracts
May 15,2018Early registration at reduced fee
June 15,2018Registration

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