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The establishment of EVISA is funded by the EU through the Fifth Framework Programme (G7RT- CT- 2002- 05112).

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The biannual Conference on Ion Analysis (CIA) has developed to become the ultimate platform for the meeting of scientists from universities, research centres, industry and governmental institutions with companies that produce and distribute products related to ion analysis in its widest sense.

Date: 02.03.2009 - 04.03.2009
National/International: National
Language: German, English
Type: Conference
Location: Berlin, Germany
Contact: Technische Universität Berlin
Dr. Wolfgang Frenzel
FG Umweltverfahrenstechnik
Sekr. KF2,
Strasse des 17. Juni 135
10623 Berlin

Telefon: +49 30/314-29710
Telefax: +49 30/314-25487

wolfgang frenzel@tu-berlin.de
Conference web site at:   http:⁄⁄www.cia-conference.com⁄

The aim of CIA is (according to the motto “A single method is no method”) to cover all aspects of ion analysis methodology with respect to instrumental variety and areas of application. The arrangement of the programme with invited speakers and special sessions is made to present most recent developments as well as to review analytical methodologies and to draw attention to practical problems and their solution.
Applicants interested in routine analysis have a chance to present their (also tiresome) experience with the various methods used and thus contribute to the stimulation of further methodological and instrumental developments.
Manufacturers of instrumentation for ion analysis and supplementary materials are regarded to be the interface between research and development and application. In order to acknowledge this important role the participating companies get considerable space in the lecture and poster programme for presenting their portfolio and solutions to existing practical problems. More than 15 companies are expected at CIA-2009 with exhibition and several of them will organise workshops in addition.

Topics to be discussed:

Methods in Ion analysis:

 Application areas:

 O Ionchromatography

 O Environmental analysis

 O Capillarelectrophoresis

 O Food analysis, Agrochemistry

 O Flow analysis

 O Industrial Production

 O Photometrical methods

 O Clinical analysis

 O Electroanalytical methods

 O Material science

 O Sensors

 O Trace analysis

 O Titration

 O Research & Development

 O Quick tests/Field analysis

 O Process control

 O Coupled techniques
     .....(IC/MS, IC-ICP-MS)

 O Bioanalysis and pharmeceutical products


January 15,2009Early registration at reduced fee
January 15,2009Submission of abstracts

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