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Due to worldwide Coronavirus situation the EWCPS is postponed to January 29th – February 3rd, 2023.

The European Winter Conference on Plasma Spectrochemistry (EWCPS) is a series of conferences on Plasma Spectrochemistry. The objective of the conference is to bring together plasma spectrochemists from all over the world in one European location to stimulate contacts and exchange knowledge and experiences. Plasma spectrochemistry involves analytical methods such as ICP-MS, GD-MS, ICP-AES, DCP-AES, MIP-AES, LIBS or LAMIS.
The conference is held every two years (started from 1985 – see history) and alternating biannually with the US based Winter Conference on Plasma Spectrochemistry organized by Ramon Barnes.

Date: 31.01.2021 - 05.02.2021
National/International: International
Language: English
Type: Conference
Location: Lubljana, Slovenia
Contact: Johannes T. (Hans) van Elteren: Jtve@ewcps2021.ki.si
Vid S. Šelih : Vss@ewcps2021.ki.si
Martin Šala : Ms@ewcps2021.ki.si

Conference web site at:   http:⁄⁄www.ewcps2021.ki.si⁄index.html

Over the course of five days a broad and attractive program will be offered, focusing on topics concerning mass and emission spectrometric techniques, including fundamentals and instrumentation, sample introduction techniques, glow discharge, laser ablation, laser induced breakdown spectroscopy, isotopic analysis, speciation and metallomics, quality control, and applications in disciplines such as geology, medicine, biology, forensics, materials science, archaeology, etc.

World leading scientists will be invited to present their research work in the form of heritage, plenary and keynote lectures, and we will offer a number of special sessions, workshops and technical short-courses taught by renowned experts. The EWCPS2021 will host the exhibition where instrument and equipment manufacturers can introduce their latest products. Additionally, a wide range of social events will accompany the scientific program providing ample opportunities to interact with colleagues from around the world.

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