In our intentions this workshop should be the first of a long series of meetings in which different expertises, ranging from theoretical analysis of metabolic fluxes in networks, to spectroscopists and chemometry data analysts face each other in a fruitful exchange of ideas, and we whish that these meetings will become a real interdisciplinary forum encompassing themes like toxicogenomics, metabolic control analysis, metabolic networks, metabonomics, metabolic engineering, NMR and mass spectroscopy.
26.03.2006 - 29.03.2005 |
International |
English |
Conference |
Monte Circeo, Italy |
Giorgio Capuani
1st Maga Circe Conference Secretary
Dipartimento di Chimica
Universitŕ “La Sapienza”
P.le Aldo Moro 5
00185 Roma RM
tel ++39-06-49913576
fax ++39-06-4455278
Conference web site at:
The main topics covered by this first conference will be:
- Systems biology;
- Mathematical modeling;
- Fluxes analysis;
- Metabolomics in cancer;
- Metabolomics in health and nutrition;
- Metabolomics in pharmacology and toxicology;
- Metabolomics in plants