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The establishment of EVISA is funded by the EU through the Fifth Framework Programme (G7RT- CT- 2002- 05112).

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The International Symposium on High Performance Liquid Phase Separations and Related Techniques is an international forum for scientific discussion of the methods of high performance liquid chromatography in its various forms, along with the complementary separation techniques such as electrophoresis, electro-chromatography, field-flow fractionation, supercritical fluid chromatography and hyphenated techniques, such as LC-MS and CZE-MS. The field of microfluidics or lab-on-a-chip is also included.

Date: 21.06.2015 - 25.06.2015
National/International: International
Language: English
Type: Conference
Location: Geneva, Switzerland
Contact: Symporg SA
Rue Rousseau 30
CH-1201 Geneve / Switzerland

Tel +41 22 839 84 84
Fax +41 22 839 84 85
Mail contact@hplc2015-geneva.org
Conference web site at:   http:⁄⁄www.hplc2015.ch⁄

At the HPLC 2015 Symposium all kinds of application areas relevant to the use of liquid phase separations as well as fundamental studies on advances in separation theories will be covered. Special emphasis will be put on current research areas characterized by innovative development. The HPLC Symposia are definitely valuable resources for analytical chemists, biochemists, molecular biologists, and those in the separation sciences seeking practical solutions. We expect over 1000 participants from various scientific fields, to cover the fundamentals, technological innovations and novel applications of these techniques.


January 5,2015Submission of abstracts for oral presentations
April 1,2015Early registration at reduced fee
April 1,2015Submission of abstracts for poster presentations

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