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The 30th International Symposium & Exhibit on High Performance Liquid Phase Separations & Related Techniques is the largest meeting in the US and the world dedicated to the needs and interests of analytical chemists, biochemists, molecular biologists and other practitioners of separations sciences.

Date: 17.06.2006 - 23.06.2006
National/International: International
Language: English
Type: Symposium
Location: Marriott Hotel, San Francisco, USA
Contact: For additional information about the meeting, exhibit or sponsor opportunities, please contact:

Ms. Janet Cunningham
HPLC-2006 Symposium/Exhibit Manager
Barr Enterprises
PO BOX 279
Walkersville MD 21793 USA
301-668-6001 Phone
301-668-4312 Fax

Street address only for overnight deliveries:
Barr Enterprises
1705 Algonquin Road (delivery in rear)
Frederick MD 21701 USA
Conference web site at:   http:⁄⁄secure.lenos.com⁄lenos⁄casss⁄hplc2006⁄intro

Topic Areas

HPLC Coupled with Other Analytical Techniques
-  Other hyphenated techniques
Mechanistic Insights
-    Retention mechanisms
-    Dynamics of chromatography
Life Sciences and Drug Discovery
-    Pharmaceutical separations and analysis
-    Proteomics
-    Sample preparation for proteomics
-    Clinical biomarkers
-    Separations of large particles (viruses, organelles, cells)
-    Biotechnology
-    Pharmacoeconomics
-    Clinical diagnostics
-    Separation of natural products
Advances in Methodology
-    Preparative and process chromatography
-    Sample preparation
-    Environmental analysis
-    Terrorism (sensors), Bioterrorism
-    Forensic analysis
-    Food Safety
-    Polymer separations
-    Method validation
Advances in Technology
-    Particles, nano-structures, monoliths
-    Ultra-high pressure chromatography
-    SFC
-    Microfluidics/Nanotechnology
-    Electro-driven separations
-    Chiral separations
-    Size Exclusion Chromatography
-    Detectors
Information Management
-    Process Analytical Technology (PAT)
-    Data analysis and management


December 2,2005Abstract deadline for lectures
January 10,2006Abstract deadline for posters to be included in the Preliminary Program
March 31,20062nd Final Circular / Preliminary Program
April 21,2006Final deadline to submit last minute abstracts

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