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The establishment of EVISA is funded by the EU through the Fifth Framework Programme (G7RT- CT- 2002- 05112).

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The Tenth International Symposium on Hyphenated Techniques in Chromatography and Hyphenated Chromatographic Analyzers
Tenth International Symposium on Advances in Extraction Techniques 2008

will be organized by the Royal Flemish Chemical Society (KVCV), and the Chromatography and Electrophoresis Group (C&EG)of the Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC)

Date: 28.01.2008 - 01.02.2008
National/International: International
Language: English
Type: Symposium
Location: Site Oud Sint-Jan, Bruges (Belgium)
Contact: Symposium Chairman
Dr. Robert Smits
Roelsstraat 20
B-8670 Oostduinkerke (Belgium)

tel : +32 58 523116
fax : +32 58 514575
Email: htc@ordibo.be
Conference web site at:   http:⁄⁄www.ordibo.be⁄htc⁄index.html

Following the Ninth HTC-symposium which was held in York (UK) in February 2006, HTC-10 will again cover all fundamental aspects, instrumental developments and applications of hyphenated chromatographic techniques. Emphasis will be placed on hyphenation of chromatographs and detection systems, sample introduction, miniaturisation, automation, microfabricated analytical devices and on the design of hyphenated on-line and at-line chromatographic process analysers.

The scientific programme will comprise both oral and poster presentations. Papers are invited in the above and related areas.

Topics considered for abstract classification :

Hyphenated Technique

1. Miniaturization 12.Infrared and Raman
2. Speciation analysis 13.Liquid Chromatography
3. Multidimensional techniques 14.Light Scattering
4. Sample introduction techniques 15.Magnetic Resonance
5. Sample preparation techniques 16.UV/VIS Absorbance/Luminescence
6. Atomic Spectroscopy 17.Near Infrared
7. Capillary Electrophoresis
8. Chemometrics 19.Supercritical / Subcritical Fluid Separations
9. Electrochemistry 20.Thermal Analysis
10.Gas Chromatography 21.ICP
11.Mass Spectrometry 22.Other

Application Area

A. Bioanalytical G. Industrial Hygiene
B. Clinical/Toxicology H. Pharmaceutical
C. Environmental I. On-line proces hyphenated techniques
D. Food Analysis/ Agriculture J. Polymers & Plastics
E. Forensic K. Energy
F. Petrochemical Applications L. Other

Abstracts will be considered by a panel of referees for inclusion in the programme. Authors will be informed whether or not their abstract has been accepted.

Please note that an accepted paper will only be included in the final programme if the author has formally registered and paid the fee. Abstracts of all papers will be available to registered participants. The abstract book will have an ISBN number and can thus be cited as an official publication.

ExTech® is a symposium series highlighting new extraction technologies for chemical and biochemical analysis in laboratory and on-site settings. The general focus is on sample preparation including methods for rapid and selective enrichment prior to analysis and micro-sample preparation. Major emphasis will be placed on the fundamental understanding of extraction processes that result in greater selectivity and efficiency in method development and a rationalisation of method selection for specific applications. On-site environmental methods and biomedical applications will be covered. The 2008 edition will focus especially on passive sampling methods, use of molecular imprinted polymers, biologically modified sorbents, novel coatings and sorbent materials.


June 30,2007Receipt of abstracts
December 1,2007Registration at reduced fee
December 15,2007Receipt of last-minute posters

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