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The establishment of EVISA is funded by the EU through the Fifth Framework Programme (G7RT- CT- 2002- 05112).

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Following the 11th HTC-symposium which was held in Bruges ( Belgium ) in January 2010, HTC-12 will again cover all fundamental aspects, instrumental developments and applications of hyphenated chromatographic techniques.

These include hyphenation between chromatography and detection systems (with focus on mass spectrometry), multi-column (multi-dimensional) chromatography, and the coupling between sample-preparation techniques and chromatographs.

Many aspects of chromatography will be addressed, including automation and robotization, miniaturization and microfabricated analytical devices, high-pressure and high-temperature LC, and new detection techniques.

There will be special focus on hyphenated sample-preparation techniques (HTSP-2 meeting) and on the design of hyphenated on-line and at-line chromatographic process analyzers and hyphenated systems for high-throughput experimentation.

Date: 31.01.2012 - 03.02.2012
National/International: National
Language: English
Type: Conference
Location: Bruges, Belgium
Contact: HTC-Symposium Secretariat,
Ordibo bvba,
Edenlaan 26,
B-2610 Wilrijk,
tel. +32 58 523116,
fax +32 58 514575
Conference web site at:   http:⁄⁄www.ordibo.be⁄htc⁄

The meeting will be organized along three lines, which are largely programmed in the form of three parallel sessions.
  1. Life science, including pharmaceutical analysis, biosystems research, and bioanalysis;
  2. Food science, including the analysis of contaminants and residues and of flavor and fragrances;
  3. Sustainable society, including environmental science, the chemical and petrochemical industries, and polymers.


June 30,2011Application for Scholarship
October 15,2011Submission abstracts for oral presentations
December 1,2011Registrations at reduced fee
December 1,2011Submission of abstracts for scheduled poster presentations
January 5,2012Last Minute posters
March 31,2012Submission of manuscripts to J.Chromatog.

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