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IMA 2011 is a five-day scientific meeting covering all areas of modern trends and applications of Chemical Analysis.

Date: 18.09.2011 - 22.09.2011
National/International: International
Language: English
Type: Conference
Location: Chania , Crete, Greece
Contact: IMA 2011 Secretariat
MAICh Academic Village

Mrs Argyro ZERVOU and Mrs Katerina KARAPATAKI

Mediterranean Agronomic Institute of Chania
Alsyllio Agrokepiou, PO Box 85,
Chania 73100, Crete, Greece

E-mail: ima2011@maich.gr

Tel: +30 28210 35080
Fax: +30 28210 35001
Conference web site at:   http:⁄⁄www.maich.gr⁄ima2011⁄index.html

For the last 12 years IMA has provided an excellent framework for the presentation of new concepts, instruments, methods, systems, and applications in the area of modern chemical analysis. Researchers and scientists from Universities, Research Institutions, State Organizations, and the Industry come together during the meeting to present and discuss the current state of the art in the area of instrumental methods of analysis. At the same time, it provides the grounds for the graduate and post graduate students to present their projects, discuss scientific collaborations with other groups, as well as to explore employment opportunities.

Topics to be covered

  • Current trends on Spectrochemical
  • Electrochemical, Chromatographic, Microscopic and Thermal analysis methods
  • Hyphenated techniques
  • Speciation analysis
  • Bioanalytics
  • Trends on sample handling and preparation
  • Chemical and bio-sensors
  • Field analysis-Mobile analytical instrument
  • Laboratory information management systems (LIMS)
  • Miniaturized analytical systems (chips)
  • Robotics and Automation
  • Quality control-quality assurance on analysis
  • Commercial developments and markets
  • Flow and micro-flow methodologies
  • Immunoassays
  • Electrophoretic separation techniques
  • Sampling techniques and strategies.

Applications are expected to include topics of interest in Environmental, Biomedical (Clinical, Ecotoxicological), Pharmaceutical, Material science (Nanomaterials), Archaeometry and Industrial analysis.

Contributions from commercial organizations are encouraged, including detailed descriptions of new instrumentation, specific applications and assessment of future commercial trends and opportunities.


June 3,2011Submission of abstracts
June 24,2011Notification of acceptance
June 30,2011Early registration at reduced fee

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