The 34th International Symposium on Environmental Analytical Chemistry aims at bringing together scientists in the field of research and development of analytical methodology for the determination of elements and their species and of organics and biomolecules in the environment, furthermore researchers studying challenging questions regarding the impact of geogenic, anthropogenic, urban and industrial factors on the different environmental compartments, instrument companies as developers and suppliers of the tools for environmental measurements in the broadest sense, and colleagues from industry, regulatory bodies, and organizations involved in environmental issues. Also the impact of environmental factors relevant to the global climate will be treated and special attention will be given to questions of the marine environment.
04.06.2006 - 08.06.2006 |
International |
English |
Symposium |
University of Hamburg, Hamburg, Germany |
International Association for Environmental Analytical Chemistry (IAEAC)
attn.: Mrs. Marianne Frei,
Postfach 46,CH-4123 Allschwil 2, Switzerland,
Prof. Dr. J.A.C. Broekaert
University of Hamburg
Institute for Inorganic and Applied Chemistry
Martin-Luther-King-Platz 6
D-20146 Hamburg, Germany
E-mail: |
Conference web site at:
The Symposium will include a number of invited lectures treating frontier topics of environmental analytical chemistry, such as:
- Miniaturized spectroscopic tools for environmental survey analyses
- Remote sensing in marine research
- Xenobiotics in natural waters.
The symposium will include a number of invited lectures treating
fronteer topics of environmental analytical chemistry, sessions with
short lectures, poster sessions as well as an instrument exhibition.
In addition the program comprises sessions with short lectures,
poster sessions, and an instrument exhibition. It is intended to
provide the possibility to publish the scientific contributions after
peer reviewing in the Journal of Environmental Analytical Chemistry.
Deadlines March 1,2006 | Submission of abstracts | May 1,2006 | Registration |