The programme will be composed of platform and
poster presentations in parallel sessions in a range of disciplines.
The meeting will focus on "The multiple stressors for the environment -
present and future challenges and perspectives", in an attempt to
address and foster presentations about the challenges posed by the
presence of multiple stressors in the Environment, including Man, being
it of a Human nature (i.e. pharmaceuticals, industrial chemicals) or
natural, as a result of Global Climate change (i.e. increased
temperature, UV radiation), as well as to bridge the gaps between
science and policy. The actual and future challenges will be
integrating information on the state of the environment, the ecosystem
and human health, taking into account effects such as cocktail effects,
combined exposure, and cumulative effects, hence improving the
information chain to understand the links between sources of pollution
and health effects.
Following main themes will be addressed:
- Climate Changes – and other non-chemical stressors?
- Environmental Chemistry
- Mechanisms of Toxicity
- Ecotoxicology and Stress Ecology
- Environmental Risk Assessment
- Pollution and human health effects
- From Findings to Regulation: Political and Socio Economic Aspects of Environmental Issues
- Tropical Ecotoxicology