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The establishment of EVISA is funded by the EU through the Fifth Framework Programme (G7RT- CT- 2002- 05112).

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The TRENDS IN SAMPLE PREPARATION 2004 Conference has the intention to provide a platform for the discussion of modern developments in sample preparation. The scientific program is dedicated to all chemists working on topics associated with sample decomposition, solvent extraction, solid phase extraction, derivatization techniques and uncertainty in sample preparation with special regards to systematic errors.
Also microwave assisted sample preparation and combinations of the mentioned scopes, like combined solvent extraction derivatization, are covered.

Date: 04.07.2004 - 07.07.2004
National/International: International
Language: English
Type: Conference
Location: Seggau-Castle/Styria Austria
Contact: E-mail: trisp@analytchem.tu-graz.ac.at
Phone: +43 316 873 8301
Fax: +43 316 873 8304
Conference web site at:   http:⁄⁄www.trendsinsamplepreparation.org⁄
Sponsor: TU Graz

Call for Papers
The scientific program will compromise oral and poster presentations.
The conference will consist of contributed presentations and key note lectures. Abstracts for oral and poster presentations may be submitted until March 26th, 2004. All abstracts should be in English. Contributions are subjected to selection by the Scientific Committee based on the criteria of novelty and relevance to the field.
Abstract submission
Abstracts should be sent either as email attachment or as a hardcopy accompanied by a 3.5” disk version. 
All texts have to be submitted as Word for Windows files (*.doc or *.rtf).
Abstracts should be typed with 1.5 spacing in 12 points font, preferably in Arial font. Please do not exceed a total length of 250 words.
The complete affiliation and the author’s address should be provided in the header of the abstract.

Important Dates
March 22nd, 2004:
Deadline for the submission of abstracts for oral and poster presentation
April 30th, 2004:
Registration deadline
June 1st, 2004:
Conference fees have to be covered
July 4th, 2004:
Start of Trends in Sample Preparation 2004












March 26,2004Submission of abstracts
July 1,2004Registration fee has to be covered

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