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ISM `09 builds on the outstanding meeting held in Nagoya, Japan in 2007, bringing together scientists from the biological, chemical, environmental, clinical and measurement sciences to effect a greater understanding of the role of metals and metal compounds in many biological, chemical, environmental and clinical systems.

Date: 07.06.2009 - 10.06.2009
National/International: National
Type: Conference
Location: Cincinnati, OH USA
Contact: Send your abstracts to joseph.caruso@uc.edu
Conference web site at:   http:⁄⁄www.uc.edu⁄plasmachem⁄iswm⁄index.htm

The meeting will include invited presentations by world leaders in the areas of systems biology, bioinorganic chemistry, instrument development, metallomics methods and approaches, environmental and clinical sciences, as well as contributed papers covering the entirety of metallomics.  Scientists across the spectrum of metallomics, including those in industry and academia, doctorates and graduate students, and including biologists, chemists, physicians and clinical scientists are encouraged to be part of this conference which promises to advance the state of the art of metallomics.  In addition to the scientific program, ISM `09 will include participation from the leading suppliers of scientific instrumentation and a social program that will ensure opportunities to interface with colleagues from around the world.  The conference promises to be both intellectually stimulating and personally satisfying for all participants.


April 15,2009Early registration at reduced fee
May 1,2009Extended: Submission of abstracts

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