The establishment of EVISA is funded by the EU through
the Fifth Framework Programme (G7RT- CT- 2002- 05112).
Supporters of EVISA includes:
Collisional reaction interface (CRI)
The proprietary collisional reaction interface (CRI) used first in the Varian ICP-MS 820 and later in the Bruker ICP-MS Aurora M90 and Analytik Jena Plasmaquant is used to destroy interfering ions. These ions are removed by injecting a collisional gas (He), or a reactive gas (H2),
or a mixture of the two, directly into the plasma as it flows through
the skimmer cone and/or the sampler cone. Supplying the
reactive/collisional gas into the tip of the skimmer cone induces extra
collisions and reactions that destroy polyatomic ions in the passing
plasma. Fundamentally CRI is a mini- Collision/Reaction Cell installed
in front of the parabolic Ion Mirror optics.