The establishment of EVISA is funded by the EU through
the Fifth Framework Programme (G7RT- CT- 2002- 05112).
Supporters of EVISA includes:
microwave-induced plasma (MIP)
Microwave-induced plasma consists of a quartz tube surrounded by a
microwave wave guide or cavity. Microwaves produced from a magnetron (a
microwave generator) fill the wave guide or cavity and cause the
electrons in the plasma support gas to oscillate. The oscillating
electrons collide with other atoms in the flowing gas to create and
maintain a high-temperature plasma. Typically 2.45 GHz, the same frequency as used in microwave ovens (l ~ 1.22 cm) is used for plasma generation. The MIP is typically used as a source for atomic emission spectrometry (MIP-AES) or mass Spectrometry (MIP-MS).