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The establishment of EVISA is funded by the EU through the Fifth Framework Programme (G7RT- CT- 2002- 05112).

Supporters of EVISA includes:

Agilent Technologies Offers New Learning Materials for Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry


ICP-MS Primer
The Primer is a comprehensive guide to the fundamentals and applications of ICP-MS and is aimed at newcomers to the technique; however, experienced users will also find up-to-date information on collision/reaction cells and new speciation applications of interest.  Subjects covered in the ICP-MS Primer include:
  • ICP-MS history, principles, hardware and benefits
  • All major analyzer types covered: quadrupole, sector, time-of-flight
  • In-depth review of collision/reaction cells in ICP-MS for removal of interferences
  • Discussion of sampling accessories including liquid sample introduction, laser ablation and other solids analysis techniques
  • Hyphenated techniques including GC-ICP-MS, LC (IC)-ICP-MS, CE-ICP-MS
  • Practical applications information and performance data
  • A look at operating costs and typical maintenance requirements
ICP-MS Video
The 7-minute video describes the main components and principles of an ICP-MS system, featuring the Agilent 7500ce. Of special interest is an animated sequence showing every stage of a sample's journey through the ICP-MS - from the sample vial through to the detector, including an "ion's eye" view of the journey through the ion lenses, collision cell and mass analyzer. This visualization of the processes involved in ICP-MS will aid understanding of the technique.

Availability of Resources
A .pdf file of the ICP-MS Primer can be downloaded free of charge from this site.

Other resources can be found at 

last time modified: March 7, 2024

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