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ECHA: New Approach on Hazard Assessment for Nanoforms


In order to reduce testing for each different nanoform while still meeting the REACH data requirement, adaptation is an alternative way.

The new approach:
According to ECHA, the scientific reference paper ‘Usage of (eco)toxicological data for bridging data gaps between and grouping of nanoforms of the same substance - Elements to consider'  offers regulators, researchers, industry and NGOs an approach of how to scientifically justify that studies on one nanoform of a substance can be used to predict the hazard properties of other forms of the same substance. It is a joint publication between the European Chemicals Agency (ECHA), the Joint Research Centre (JRC) and the Dutch National Institute for Public Health and the Environment (RIVM). EU Member States, NGOs and industry have been consulted throughout the drafting process. 

The paper outlines a stepwise approach to identify opportunities for using data between nanoforms within the same substance registration. The identification is based on grouping through an assessment of physicochemical properties and in vitro screening methods. According to ECHA, this may allow for a hazard assessment of several nanoforms of the same substance, minimizing the testing needed, including testing on animals, and therefore also minimizing costs.

Source: adapted from ECHA News

Related information

ECHA: Scientific reference paper on the grouping of nanomaterials

California Department of Toxic Substances Control: Chemical information call on carbon nanotubes and Quantum Dots/Nano Metals/Nano Metaloxides

DaNa: Information about nanomaterials and their safety assessment

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